Martial Art Classes All Over The Internet

Image displaying an arm triangle choke (side choke) from a standing position (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I remember back around 2006 I started noticing more and more martial art videos on YouTube. Even back then I was wondering if martial art classes online was a good thing or a bad thing. I saw some really good videos and I saw some pretty bad videos.
The thing that stuck out the most to me though was how amazing it was that for the first time in history a person could literally learn from someone on the other side of the planet. So, is taking martial art classes online good or bad?
To answer this question you first have to ask yourself are you the type of person who can be self motivated or do you require someone standing over you telling you what to do and when to do it.
There is no right or wrong answer to that question. It’s simply a matter of what works best for you. If you are the type of person that works best with someone constantly looking over your shoulder and making sure you are doing things right. Maybe taking martial art classes online isn’t for you.
However, if you happen to like me you have been watching martial art youtube videos and have been practicing the information you have learned. I have been training for the past 26 years in martial arts. With instruction and without.
I can say that if you are the type of person that will go practice on your own than you can absolutely find value in martial art classes online. As in most things in life. Make sure that if you do decide to start training online that you find a teacher that has lots of experience. [Read more…]