What Draws You To The World Of Martial Arts?
I am curious as to why you guys and gals train in the martial arts. I know for me it was something that I have always done, most likely because my father was also a martial artist. I was born about 2 years after Bruce Lee’s death.
In my house Fist Of Fury and Enter The Dragon where watched regularly.
From the beginning of my training I was taught that the martial arts was to protect myself and my family. It was supposed to be used for good. In today’s world martial arts glorifies beating other people up. Though when I was young and learning, it wasn’t about beating people up and seeing who was the best of the best.
It was always about being respectful and humble. I am curious as to why that has changed?
From what I see in the media martial arts has become something of a spectacle.
Interesting video from my Sifu Phu Ngo
I am really interested in hearing your viewpoint leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
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Hello. I think martial arts all have the same message, peace, discipline, exercise, self-defense, good health etc. The recent forms such as MMA (Mixed martial arts) glorify violence and beating people up.
All kung fu masters promote the art as respectful and with humility – although some may not but they are in a minority. Overall, the message of Martial Arts is one of peace, respect, discipline, hard work and taking care of your health and body.
Hi Ulughbek, thanks for your feedback.