Usage of The Wing Chun Huen Sao
What makes Wing Chun unique is the fact that it uses skills over brutality to get the job done. In order for things like the Huen Sao to work requires a lot of practice and patience to fully understand the usage. There 3 things a huen sao is used for.
Applying the Wing Chun Huen Sao
- Release pressure and release energy
- Return energy back to the opponent
- Slip a persons grip
The one thing we want to keep constant is forward pressure. What we mean by that is like a spring even if you push it backwards you still feel the pressure. A proper huen sao comes from the wrist. We want to keep the elbow very steady. We don’t want the elbow to move, but we allow the elbow to pivot. Watch more about that in this video.
Wing Chun Huen Sao – Bent Wrist Don’t Make Fist
Important: Energy can only go into 2 places, Either the wrist or the shoulder. If the energy goes into the shoulders a huen sao will not work. We don’t want to fight energy. We want to maintain energy. The way that we do that is by creating arch with our wrist. You can see it better by watching this video.
Wing Chun Huen Sao Drill
This is a great drill to practice to get your huen sao to work for you.
More on Wing Chun Around The Web:
Lee Man sering melakukan ‘gerakan Huen–Sao‘. Leung Sheung diakui ini sebagai gerakan dasar Wing Chun, karena ia pernah belajar beberapa gaya lain Wing Chun dan karena itu tahu sesuatu tentang sistem tertentu. Dia bertanya Lee Man jika …
Publish Date: 05/19/2010 15:14
Tan-Dar, Pak-Dar, Huen–Sao, Bong…all from SLT YGKYM stance without shifting. Report It Reply:Wooden dummy to use to practice footwork, check your positioning, and learn to generate power from your horse. Report It …
Publish Date: 04/26/2009 21:44
Huen Sau (basics) | China Boxer
as we all know wing chun movements came from animals, but what animal does huen sau? thank you again for this wonderful and amazing video sifu jin:). [Reply]. Alan Reply: January 6th, 2010 at 9:15 am. Huen sao makes me think of a …
Publish Date: 01/06/2010 2:48
That wraps up this blog post on using the Wing Chun Huen Sao I hope you enjoyed it.

[…] The Wing Chun Huen Sao Skill What makes Wing Chun unique is the fact that it uses skills over brutality to get the job […]