Over the years one question that has come is what is fajing? Depending on who you ask you will hear all types of answers. The best way to understand how Fa jin (fajing) works is to experience in action yourself. The best way to start manifesting it yourself is to study Tai Chi. Throughout the entire form there are examples of using fajing within the movements themselves.
A simple understanding of it is to simply say that you use it to infuse your attack with more power. The mechanics of it is much like pulling a rubber band or twisting a towel.
When I learned about the term myself I started researching what it was and how it applied to my martial art. To use Fajing it helps that you are practicing with opposing energy. Assuming you have an idea what fajin is and assuming you are practicing it and watching youtube videos on how to cultivate it a word of warning……
Be careful, often times new practitioners don’t realize how much power can actually be released and the end up hurting the training partner. Don’t do that! 🙂
Fa jin, fajin, or fa chin (fā jìn, 發勁) is a term used in some Chinese martial arts, particularly the neijia (internal) martial arts, such as Xingyiquan, T’ai chi ch’uan (Taijiquan), Baguazhang, Bak Mei and Bājíquán.
It means to issue or discharge power explosively or refining the explosive power, and is not specific to any particular striking method. Jìn (勁), or “power”, is often confused by Westerners with the related concept of jīng (精), which literally means “essence.” To generate the fa jin it is necessary to create a spiral from Dantian towards the limb or body part (e.g. shoulder, head, hip) that will perform the technique with explosive force (Bàofālì 爆發力).