Self Defense – Why are you fighting?
One thing I have noticed especially at sites like YouTube is you see people randomly fighting without any real cause other than to fight. To be honest with you fighting never solves anything.
The reason is because in the end if you really want to prove a point you could simply shoot someone and end the discussion right there. Of course that is a tad bit extreme but my point is that fighting never really solves anything. You just end up looking like an smuck who has a big mouth.
Self Defense – Predator Vs Prey
True self defense is only needed when a fight can not be avoided. I recommend avoiding a fight at all cost. You never know when someone is going to be waiting to get revenge for embarrassing them.
Or worse you could run into someone who doesn’t realize they aren’t going to win the fight and will continue to fight even after they lost the fight.
Real self defense works really well if you are truly innocent and are just minding your own business. The reason is because the person doing the attacking is only focused on 1 thing and that is hurting you. Since there mind is pre-occupied in this thought it can be very easy for you to employ effective counter measures.
In Wing Chun there is a saying ” Our style isn’t flashy, matter of fact if done right it doesn’t look like anything at all” .
Good Self Defense Takes Seconds Not Minutes
Unlike sport fighting that we see on t.v there are no rounds or rules for that matter. In a real fight chances are the person doesn’t know your background or what you actually may or may not know.
This leaves a big unknown factor in a real fight. It is best to stay calm in a fight situation and allow your opponent to reveal their intentions so that you can counter.
Timing is everything in a fight, knowing when to attack can mean the difference between victory or defeat in a self defense situation.
In this video is a clear demonstration of a person staying calm and counter attacking at the right moment.
Once you sting your opponent there is a good chance you will knock some sense into them.
If you notice the actual fighting part of this video only lasted a few seconds.
That my friends is real self defense. I would of slapped the guy in the face as soon as he spread his arms apart. Some people are just stupid.
More on self defense from around the web:
Teaching your Child Self–defense When your Child Doesn’t Want to …
I know some of you instructors don’t want to treat self–defense as a game, but it’s a lot less of a game than the two martial arts schools my family and I checked out. 90% of the time was spent doing non-martial arts oriented relay …
Publish Date: 10/01/2010 0:41
What should I take for a self defense class? · Wushu And Kung Fu
Martial arts have been used for self defense for thousands of years and 10 years ago you would have heard several answers to this question. All of a sudden, people believe that JuJitsu is the ‘ultimate fighting’ art. …
Publish Date: 09/30/2010 12:20
A Pepper Spray Is Most Useful For My Self Defense
Lawanna A Bean is a well known expert on Self Defense Items and offers a big selection of stun guns, pepper sprays, personal alarms, Tasers and Mace. If you ever wonderedwhere do I buy pepper spray, you now have a secure place to order. …
Publish Date: 10/01/2010 5:49
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