It’s seems all over the internet you can find someone slamming traditional martial arts saying how they are outdated and non effective with today’s standards. It’s refreshing to see that traditional martial arts like Tai Chi holding it’s own against modern day martial art styles.
I am sure there will be some people that say this doesn’t look real. Or they may something along the lines of I would do x, y and z so that stuff wouldn’t work. Rather than trying to convince someone that what they are seeing is the real thing. I invite the person not to judge based on one or two personal experiences.
Martial art skills takes a life time to master. Learning to develop internal martial art skill takes much longer to truly develop than does learning external martial art skill. Some would say why waste time learning something that takes many years to be good at.
The reason is because being fast and strong will only take you so far in combat. At some point someone will be bigger stronger and faster than you. This video clearly demonstrates the difference between brute force vs internal martial skill.
Notice in the video how the big guy is breathing very very heavily while the smaller guy doesn’t even look a little winded. I am the type of martial artist that believes you should have an open mind when your training. That you should really use all the tools at your disposal.
There is merit in developing your external skills as well as your internal skills. The martial artist that limits themselves to following only one way of thinking limits their own martial art growth.
Maybe 100 years ago you where limited to what you could learn.
…Now It’s Your Turn
What has your experience been dealing with internal martial arts?