Lately, I have been asked what is a good Kung Fu diet. Eating can be a tricky thing, we all need to eat, however depending on the circumstances some of us eat more than others. When your training you want to be able to perform at maximum proficiency. Not eating enough and you may be at a loss for energy. Eat to much and end up wasting energy. Like all things Kung fu balance is the key to harmony.

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in products such as soy milk and low-fat yogurt, has been shown to reduce breast cancer incidence in rats. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I need to stress that I am not a health expert in any stretch of the imagination, however there are some things I have found to be true in my life and maybe it might be true in yours. I always exercise better before I eat a meal.
You would think it’s the other way around, however food tends to stay in our system longer than we think. Especially meat, that stuff hangs out in your digestive track for days and in some cases longer.
While I am not a vegetarian, there are many benefits to becoming one. The only reason why I am not one is because I enjoy eating fish and poultry. I don’t eat any mammals. I do eat vegetables.
There was something that I did that had a tremendous effect on how and what I eat that has made a huge difference in my life I think everyone should give the Virgin Diet a try for 3o days. You will learn a lot about what your body can and can not eat.
For me, the most important aspect of my kung fu diet was feeling good enough to train. I often found myself feeling sluggish and non motivated. At the end of the day you really are what you eat.
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