Wing Chun Punch Power – Creating Power From Emptyness
Source: via Larry on Pinterest
Interestingly many people mis – understand how Wing Chun get's it power. The easiest understanding of this is, Wing Chun's power comes from chi and speed.
Our ability to relax and release our energy creates massive amounts of power that is forcused sinks into our opponents.
People who have never experienced internal punches are always amazed at just how much they hurt.
Internal punches hurt long after the actual punch is delivered.
The one inch punch was first introduced and made famous by Bruce Lee during the 1960s. Since then, it has appeared in several mainstream hollywood films, most notably, Kill Bill. You may recall when Uma Thurman's character tries to break out of her coffin when buried alive with nothing but her fist alone, after recollecting her religious training by her master, Pai Mai (played by Kung Fu master Gordon Liu) of punching a wall over and over again. She was able to generate enough force from inside the coffin to break it open and set herself free….More at Wing Chun Taoist: One inch punch in Wing Chun
Wing Chun Punch Power | Don't Force It
I found in my own practice that trying to punch hard defeats ones ability to punch effectively. Your whole body needs to be relaxed when you release your wing chun punch.
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