Breathing And Meditation Works Together
Side Note: – Personally I think on some level if you train in martial arts you should devote some time to meditation. Before getting involved with Tai Chi and Chi Gung I never really focused much attention on breathing or meditation. Because of those two practices I was able to breath better while riding a bicycle and jogging.
Proper breathing enables you to coordinate your body more efficiently. The key to success is feeling the breath move through your body!
Video Of A Breathing Technique – I should mention that there are probably 100’s of different ways to practice breathing. This is just one of the many ways to practice. What is cool about youtube is you can really find a lot of great content on there. I encourage people to YouTube it all the time… 🙂
Breathing is an important part of meditation. Correct breathing is required in most types of meditation and is therefore an important tool to be used by people who wish to perform this activity.
The practice of proper breathing while meditating helps a person relax while doing the exercise. Proper breathing is achieved by inhaling through the nose, letting the diaphragm (not the chest) expand and exhaling through the mouth. Doing this slows down a person’s heart rate which leads to a calm mood.
Breathing And Meditation Helps Focus The Mind
Breathing also plays a significant role when a person aims to improve his/her concentration. This is done by focusing the mind on the act of taking in air and feeling it pass through the nostrils until the air is finally exhaled through the mouth.While this may sound easy, it can be quite challenging when done for the first time. Then there’s the method for increasing a person’s awareness. Just like the concentration technique mentioned above, it involves putting one’s attention to his/her breathing.
When Applying Meditation Technique’s Feel Yourself Breathing
But instead of focusing on the act of inhaling and exhaling air, it is the sensation of breathing where the person trains his/her thoughts. The feeling of the air passing through the nose, filling the lungs and expanding the diaphragm is the sensation that a person should look for. It helps him/her feel how it is to be truly alive. This article has shown how important breathing is in the practice of meditation. It is no wonder, therefore, that the two are inseparable activities that a student of meditation should learn.