Greetings and saluations , today I am going to talk about Wing Chun kicking through the Ngo – Dac – Na – System. My wing chun is based on the ip man system, but my fundamental training is from the Ngo – Dac – Na – System. The Ngo – Dac – Na – System system is the study of the most efficent way of delivering energy and driving energy and returning energy back to your opponent. Today we are going to talk about front kicks , slant kicks also known as a stop kick.
Kicking is not about how much you push its about the focus of energy
A front kick is chambered to a 90% angle at least to the waste ,no higher than the solar plexus. The foot comes up from the front ball pushing so we can pop energy up rather than pushing energy up.
Watch the video to learn more.
More Resources on Wing Chun Kicks
If a student came to me and had to learn to fight very quickly the first thing I would teach would be the basic Wing Chun front kick. Why? Because its easy to learn, safe to perform and effective at both attacking and defending. …
Publish Date: 10/27/2009 7:52
Lessons from Emin Boztepe | wing chun blog
The proper Wing Tsun stance has 100% of the weight on the rear leg. The pelvis is tilted in. The front leg is springy and can’t be swept. The knees are close so that a kick can’t get in. (this was the forward stance description). …
Publish Date: 06/10/2010 21:30
Wing Chun Counters Low Kicks with Denial
a Wing Chun practitioner keeps their weight on the back leg, using an agile front leg to launch and defend against kicks. If you get past their front leg, the back leg is an easy target; they cannot move it until they […] …
Publish Date: 12/20/2006 9:31
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