In the story of Goldilocks and the three bears, it is here that Goldilocks encounters three types of bears; Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. While everything she touched that belonged to Papa Bear was too rigid or stiff, everything that belonged to Mama Bear was too soft or frail, but everything that belonged to the baby bear was just right.
As in Goldilocks’ encounter, there are three types of options that a practitioner can choose to deal with in the same perspective against an attack. When an opponent creates an attack, the practitioner can create a very strong defense to hold off a strike or to even overcome it. This type of counter requires that the practitioner must have strong muscles and or tendons.
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He or she is required to have strong arms and or legs that must take solid root to be able to withstand such a force. This is what is represented by Yang or what we like to call “Papa Bear”. While this method can be very strong and effective, it does have its limitations. The human body can only be so strong and can be broken down quickly under pressure. The other factor is what would happen when a force becomes greater than what the body could handle or what would happen when the force is greater than what the practitioner is expecting or prepared for?
The other option in which one can deal with energy is to become soft and flexible. This is the yielding and bending of energy that portrays the soft side of force which is known as Yin or what we call “Mama Bear.” Although this method does not require having a strong and powerful body, it does require one to have balance, flexibility, and control. Even though the Yin force can be applied by anyone, one must learn not to tense but rathier to remain relaxed under pressure.
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Chinese Kung Fu or Wushu is a form of martial arts that make good use of ying yang theory. In almost all styles of Chinese Kung Fu, strength and gentleness are believed as two key elements, with either the former or the latter favored. …
Yin and Yang play an important part in the creation of Kung Fu, this philosophy embodies both “soft” and “hard” techniques that balance each other and when put into effect can create a balanced martial art. In congruence with the Yin …
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