Wing Chun is an amazing martial art. It has a very colorful history, throughout the years people have held to the idea that less is more. There are lots of politics in Wing Chun, though I am sure there are lots of politics in all the different martial arts.
What I believe separates Wing Chun from other martial art systems is that it relies on a persons skill to work rather than a persons strength. If there is anything I learned in my own Wing Chun training it’s that patience is a virtue.
Often times I tell my own students that if you took someone who was doing MMA style fighting, they might fair better than someone who does TMA style fighting not because one is superior than the other, but because the MMA way of fighting is to get in the ring and start working it out. The TMA style of training is more interested if foundation is strong.
When I first started training, I struggled when I sparred against MMA (type) martial artist, I say type because many styles make up MMA… I only knew a handful of techniques in my first 5 years of training. My sensitivity was still at a baby stage. There is much more to this story that I will share at my other blog. For now though check out a new video we uploaded on the basics of Cross Arm Don Chi Sau
3 Things To Consider When Looking For A Wing Chun School
Learning How To Do The Wing Chun Jut Sao or Sau