Not many things in life are easy. I can understand why someone wouldn’t want to put the time in to become proficient in Kung Fu. However, it boggles my mind that folks would rather suffer through life rather than live through life. So many people today suffer through different health related issues needlessly because A. western medicine doesn’t really recognize things like Qigong and B. often times people just never heard about it.
My question for you is: If you knew there was a low impact low cost way to improve your overall health for life would you do it? Surprisingly it’s been my experience that many will say yes but only a small handful of people will actually do it.
Qigong is an ancient Chinese philosophy that focuses on manipulating energy or “life force” for preventive and curative purposes. Considered alternative medicine, qigong is touted to lead to the connection of mind, body and spirit.
“Qigong is energy that is beneficial to the body. However, not everybody can be healed by qigong,” said Professor Wan Su Jian, 59, director of the Chinese Taoist Medical Qigong Bagua XunDao Gong Headquarters and the World Qigong Medical Council Expert Committee. He is considered one of the top 10 contemporary medical doctors in China. Read more…
Here you can get some of your common questions answered about Qigong
“What Qigong style is best for me?”
I hear this common refrain from many of my students. In the panoramic view of the vast universe of Qigong, a novice faces an overwhelming selection. Qigong consists of 3,000 different styles including the ever newly minted Qigong systems. Most beginners have little understanding what Qigong is precisely, so the decision is made even more difficult. To choose the style that best suits their needs would be like picking the correct plant for an herbal remedy out of an entire forest. Via
The best advice I can give someone about Qigong is that doing it makes your life better. Qigong promotes healthy blood circulation as well as relieves stress. Not just that, if you practice Qigong along side of the rest of your kung fu training you will begin to notice that you will start using more skill rather than brute force in your training.
Has Qigong helped you through any health related situations ?
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