- Image by emilong via Flickr
There are many different schools of Wing Chun Throughout the world. The one thing they all have in common is the practice of Chi Sao. The basic idea behind Chi Sao is it teaches the student how to feel energy. Many have said it is like a conversation with one person asking a question and the other person answering that question.
Through regular Chi Sao practice one can bridge the gap between practice (sparring) and fighting. This form of training will help the student understand the different angles of attacking and defending as well as understanding wrist control and pressure control.
Wing Tsun Romania 2007
Chi Sao or “Sticky Hands” is described by Yip Chun as the bridge that links forms and the practice of hand techniques to free fighting. An important foundation of Wing Chun, students participate early on in their training in Chi Sao. …
Martial arts that is more for women?
Chi sao (sticky hands) is a unique training feature of the wing chun system. In chi sao practice two wing chun practitioner’s face each other and move their wrists and forearms against each other’s wrists and forearms in small circles. …
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